To most people, running seems like a completely dignified, if not appealing way to exercise. We see runners every day of the week, athletic people casually jogging around the suburbs with seemingly little effort, looking fit and healthy. But sometimes, not all is as it seems … things happen, unpleasant things, disgusting things, even funny unfortunate things. Let’s take a look at the 7 Worst Things About Running.

In a perfect world, all the worst and grossest things that runners do or suffer from would remain ‘on the track’ and benevolently concealed from public view. However, sometimes, we runners have to deal with all manner of unpleasant bodily issues, some of which can be embarrassingly obvious for all the world to see. We’ve all seen ‘those’ pics!
So buckle up people, it’s time to enter the ‘not so glamorous’ side of running.
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Worst Things About Running #1 – Toilet Issues.

Ok, let’s just get this one out-of-the-way first up. Freddy Krueger ain’t got nothing on this horror story.
Needing to ‘go’, sometimes urgently, out there on a run or in a race with nary a public restroom in sight is a nightmare most runners will eventually face. Number ‘ones’ is bad enough, but number ‘twos’ will have you contemplating actions that would destroy your dignity like none other.
Needing to pee is an urge that can be satisfied by a quick pit-stop behind a bush, tree, or wall when desperate. Even on a busy street, one can usually find a lonely nook to quickly ‘shake the dew off the lily’. And if you subsequently discover, with horror, that you had an audience, your reprise act will demonstrate how really, really fast you can run.
However, runner’s trots, runner’s stomach, diarrhoea, call it what you will, is a whole next-level nightmare afflicting many long-distance runners.
It comes on rather suddenly accompanied by intestinal cramping, gas, bloating, and sometimes nausea. Getting a sudden urge to ‘liberate the brown trout’, can be mortifying to say the least, let’s look at why it happens.
Runner’s Trots – What Causes It?
Luckily, Runner’s Trots is something you would generally only ever experience in a long run or race. Unfortunately, however, it can come on rather quickly and require a pretty immediate pit stop. Mercifully, it doesn’t happen every time or even that often in reality, but when it does…
When running, there’s a lot of up and down motion happening, which can subsequently cause muscle contractions in the intestines/bowel. This, in turn, causes the body to set in motion, well, a motion. Last night’s big bowl of pasta is heading for the exit…..quickly.
To avoid this unhappy situation or at least mitigate it, you need to be careful about what you eat before the event. Try to avoid high-fibre, high-fat foods too close to the run. Keeping the fibre rich meals to the evening before gives the body a chance to clear out everything before you run.
Experiment with different foods during your training program. Try various meal combinations to see which ones give you the energy you need, but without any associated stomach problems.
Furthermore, don’t forget to hydrate during your run, taking small sips frequently is best in this regard, it can help.
If you are a chronic sufferer, you are just going to have to plan your run around available restrooms. You can also check the event website for portable toilet placement around the course.
Definitely talk to your doctor about it if it’s happening regularly, it may be symptomatic of a bigger problem.
TIP: Coffee is notorious for causing stomach upset, resulting in Runners Trots in some people. If you are a sufferer, and you don’t really need that caffeine fix before a run, it may be best to forego a coffee too close to race time.
Worst Things About Running #2 – Runner’s Nose.

Getting a runny nose while working out is another unhappy affliction many runners face.
This one isn’t restricted to runners either, in fact, many participants of other sports suffer this messy annoyance as well.
So, what is it exactly?
It manifests as a constant release of a watery, snotty discharge from the nose. This discharge can be as insignificant as simply a wet or slightly drippy nose, such as you would get outside on a cold day, however, in extreme cases, it can be a substantial and constant flow from the nose.
What Causes A Runny Nose In Runners?
Here’s the technical term – Exercise Induced Rhinitis EIR. In fact, it’s very similar to the other various forms of allergenic rhinitis, such as hay fever. Symptoms of hay fever also include a runny nose, as well as sneezing and congestion. It doesn’t matter whether the weather is hot or cold, runner’s nose can still occur.
Vigorous extended exercise increases the body’s metabolism and heart rate, which is thought to trigger the inner lining of the nose to become inflamed, produce more mucous, or cause other allergy-like symptoms.
In some cases, though, it can simply be sparked-off by the allergens in the air. You are breathing faster and more deeply when running, therefore taking in more allergens with that increased airflow. Pollution can also be an irritant.
What To Do If You Suffer From Runner’s Nose.
- Nasal sprays are available that might help.
- Get your Snot Rocket game on, practice makes perfect, just don’t do it in the direction of other runners, seriously gross.
- Get a terry-towelling wristband, super absorbent and great for wiping.
- Why were sleeves invented? You guessed it.
- Just let it run, obviously the most embarrassing option. Just remember to clean up before you step up onto the podium.
EIR isn’t something to be too worried about, it’s a fairly common condition in runners. But, as always, it could be symptomatic of a more serious problem and should be checked out by a doctor as a precaution.
TIP: An Antihistamine may help, in the same way it helps people with Hay Fever. These drugs are often prescribed by doctors for people suffering allergies and some forms of Rhinitis. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to see if Antihistamines may help in your situation.
Worst Things About Running #3 – Chafing.

This problem always seems to raise its painful head when you are miles from home or help. Not just uncomfortable, this one can develop into agony as tender inflamed skin finally becomes a bleeding open wound. Let’s look at what it is and where you are most likely to experience it.
Put simply, chafing is skin damage that is caused by constant repetitive rubbing of the skin against another area of skin or clothing. The chafed skin will be red, raw, and can even bleed. Salt from sweating causes painful stinging when it comes into contact with the damaged skin.
The most common areas of the body impacted by chafing are where there are crevices or folds in the skin. Susceptible areas such as the crotch, armpits, under-breast, inner-thighs, rolls of fat, often suffer from this uncomfortable injury.
Clothing rubbing on the skin can also develop into chafing. At risk areas are back-pack straps, bra straps, ill-fitting clothing, new clothing, or new shoes.
Another big problem I see regularly out there on the track is nipple chafing. Girls usually have this covered with sports bras, but are not always immune. However, some guys end up with extremely painful and bleeding nips from the constant rubbing motion of their T’s as they run. The issue is exacerbated as your shirt gets wet with either sweat or rain. If it’s just a short run, you are probably going to be ok. Longer runs demand preparation.
TIP: When buying T-shirts or singlets for running, pay attention to any printing or stitching that may rub on your nipples on the inside, this can quickly irritate the area, particularly when the shirt becomes wet with sweat.
How To Deal With Chafing In Runners.
Lube up folks, there are roll-on sticks of lube available that will help with chafing. Even good old Vaseline is a runner’s friend if you are prone to suffering chafing. Application of talcum powder will help to keep chafe prone areas dry.
For thighs and groin areas, try compression shorts or tights, seamless is best. However, you may still need to add a little lube to the impacted areas before putting them on.
Experiment with different clothing, some fabrics are worse than others for chafing, particularly coarse fabrics.
For nipple chafing there are products available such as NipGuards, and lube such as BodyGlide that will help, or you can simply use a band-aid or two. You will need a fairly wide band-aid, test out which ones work best for you, some will fall off as they get wet with sweat, others stick perfectly for the entire run. I always use these on any run over 15k or a race.
Worst Things About Running #4 – Toenails Falling Off.

Did you know that toenails are largely a vestigial artefact of our evolution? They may have been more useful when our primitive ancestors used them for digging and climbing, but these days their only use is to possibly protect the tip of our toes.
As runners, we are not impacted either way whether we have toenails or not. But since we have them, nobody wants them falling off or turning black?
As runners, we show so much disrespect to our poor unfortunate feet. Not only are they subjected to the indignity of sweaty, stinky, shoes and socks, but they can also suffer maladies such as fungus or infection, and are routinely subjected to trauma injury.
So, what do we do to our feet that is so bad that it causes toenails to fall off or discolour?
What Causes Runners Toenails To Go Black Or Fall Off?
Many runners will suffer a toenail turning black at some point in their running life, and some will even experience a toenail falling off completely.
The discolouration is caused by blood vessels rupturing under the nail. What you are seeing is a collection of blood under the nail, similar to what you would see when you hit your finger with a hammer or jam your finger in a door.
This can be caused by trauma to the toes from the constant pounding of the feet hitting the ground during a long run, or a long-distance race such as a marathon. Ill-fitting shoes are also another common cause, the toes may be crashing into the toe tip of the shoe, or are overly compressed inside the toe box.
When enough of this blood accumulates under the nail, it can start to force the separation of the nail from the toe. Eventually, the nail will separate completely and fall off.
Whilst this is largely a painless process, it is important to be vigilant for infection. If any sort of pain develops, or if it happens frequently, it would be wise to get it checked out by your doctor.
Over time, a new nail will naturally form.
TIP: Getting fitted properly with appropriate shoes for the type of running you will be doing is vital. Remember, in a long run the feet can splay a little inside the shoe, particularly if they get wet with sweat or rain. Keep this in mind when choosing a shoe size, if it is relatively tight-fitting at the sports store, it may end up being too tight in race conditions, causing possible trauma to the toes.
Worst Things About Running #5 – Period Problems.

There are many inspirational stories of amazing women who have achieved incredible performances whilst running during their periods. Some famous examples include 1996 Boston Marathon winner Uta Pippig who crossed the line with a trail of blood running down her leg. Paula Radcliffe not only won the 2002 Chicago Marathon in a world record time of 2:17:18, but did so whilst suffering period cramps during the last third of the race.
Can I Run During My Period?
You absolutely CAN run during your period is the take-home message here.
You might intuitively believe it’s best to stop exercising whilst on your period, but there’s no reason not to run if you still want to.
It’s not so much the period itself but the associated symptoms that cause problems such as cramps, bloating, and fatigue, among others.
Depending on the severity of these symptoms, it may be necessary to modify your regular exercise routine. If cramps or back pain are severe, it may be best to try non-impact forms of cardio, such as cycling or swimming.
However, some running at this time might actually be good for you. Many women report relief from some of the complaints that accompany menstruation due to the body’s release of endorphins. Endorphins serve as a natural painkiller, so may help relieve mild cramps and back pain. Endorphins are also indicated in mood elevation. Heavy menstrual flow or severe cramps are clearly the exceptions here, and running may need to be paused or reduced a little at this time.
Listening to your body is the key here, but if you feel you want to lace up and hit the track, and you feel ok, give it a try.
TIP: Remember to stay hydrated when running on your period, particularly on long runs. Replacement of lost fluid is vital during this time. Take water with you when you run, or plan your route around drinking stations. Even when not running, you should remain conscious of hydration, and plan to drink more fluid during the day at this time of month.
Worst Things About Running #6 – Blisters.

Why oh why do I do this to myself? Brand new pair of runners, can’t wait to try them out, throw them on, and head out for a nice long run. An hour later, you’re limping home with painful blisters on your feet and cursing yourself with all manner of colourful expletives.
The cause is simple enough. It’s just friction between the sock and your skin. This is usually caused by new or ill-fitting shoes. Let’s take a look at some possible reasons why your running shoes may cause blisters to form –
- Your shoes are too small, causing some shoe elements to apply too much pressure to an area of your foot. This aggravation may cause blisters to develop.
- Your shoes are too big, allowing too much movement of your feet inside the shoes. This constant movement as you run can be very abrasive on some contact points with your foot.
- New shoes which have not been worn in can sometimes have stiff or not yet compliant elements which may rub on your foot, causing blisters. The heel collar is a common area of complaint with many runners.
- Shoes tied too tight. In some instances, runners may try to eliminate movement inside the shoe by tying the laces very tight, this is another source of aggravation to your foot.
- Wearing inappropriate socks. Proper running socks are always best, they are designed to create a comfortable, moisture wicking barrier between your feet and your running shoes. I have used these with great success for many years.
Any of the above problems can cause blisters to form. The constant friction on your feet as you run causes small fluid-filled sacs of skin to form in the affected area. If you continue to run with the blisters untreated, they will eventually burst, and you’ll be left with an open, painful and sometimes bloody wound.
How Can Runners Prevent Blisters?
- Most importantly, don’t head out for a ‘long’ run in brand-new shoes. Wear them in first on smaller runs, or until they soften a little and your feet become accustomed to the new fit.
- Make sure you are fitted properly when shopping for new shoes. Make sure they are not too tight, allow a little space for your feet to slightly splay during long runs. Conversely, you definitely don’t want a loose or sloppy fit, your feet will move around too much inside the shoe, causing friction spots.
- Buy good quality running socks. I’ve been an advocate of these for the longest time. Tell any non-runner that you just spent $30 on a pair of socks, and they’ll look at you like you have two heads. They are not cheap, but they’re worth it. The best running socks are manufactured specifically for left and right feet, same as your shoes, this ensures a perfect fit. Running socks are made from non-irritating, moisture wicking material, and are beautifully padded. Once again though, don’t try doing a long run in new socks, wear them and wash them a couple of times first. I use Lightfeet, and have had great success with them.
- Use band-aids, tape or blister pads on recurring hot spots to provide a barrier to the friction. You could also use a small amount of lubrication such as Bodyglide.
- Be careful with pedicures. Runners often develop calluses on their feet, and this is a perfectly natural protection mechanism that our bodies employ in areas of high impact or repetitive abrasive trauma. This callused skin can be a protection against blisters, so don’t let your pedicurist remove them completely.
How To Treat Runners Blisters.
The big question … to burst or not to burst?
You’ve been for a run, and you’ve ended up with a blister, if it’s small and not bothering you too much, just let it be. The skin and underlying fluid is serving as protection from infection. It will eventually dry up, re-absorb or break on its own.
If you develop a blister in a race, try to get to a first-aid station. They may drain the blister, apply some antiseptic cream, cover it and get you back on your way.
For big or painful blisters, there is a case to relieve the pressure by draining it yourself. Pop the blister with a properly sterilised needle to drain the fluid, leave the skin over the blister intact. Use antiseptic creams and dressings to cover the area.
Always stay vigilant for any sign of infection.
TIP: As a general rule, it is best NOT to burst a blister. The fluid under the skin of a blister acts as a friction barrier and contains nutrients, which aids healing. Smaller blisters heal quickly, larger ones may require you to take a break from running for them to heal properly.
Worst Things About Running #7 – Hitting The Wall.

What Is ‘Hitting The Wall’?
Hitting The Wall in a long-distance run is something most runners will experience at some point in their running lives, especially in long races such as marathons.
This usually happens in the later stages of a run, when your body has depleted its glycogen stores and is running out of energy. Your legs are starting to feel heavy, you are experiencing feelings of overwhelming tiredness, and negative thoughts are beginning to creep in.
When you hit the wall, you may feel you simply can’t continue running, and often, you feel you have no option but to drop out of the run or race altogether.
What Causes A Runner To Hit The Wall?
There are many reasons why hitting the wall may occur, let’s take a look at some of the most common –
- You didn’t pace yourself properly in the early stages of the race. It may be that you simply went out too hard at the beginning of the run, eventually depleting all your energy stores. With no gas left in the tank to complete the run, you hit the wall.
- Your pre-race fuelling was insufficient. Remember, to adequately top up those glycogen stores in your muscles, it is not sufficient to simply slam down a big bowl of pasta the night before a race, you should be eating appropriately a few days beforehand. We discuss this in more detail here.
- You didn’t bring any energy gels, snacks, or other forms of top-up nutrition with you on the run. I always use some gels in any run over 21k. Many runners will take a gel every 30 minutes to an hour in a race, they are a convenient way to consume the energy producing carbohydrates your body needs in long-distance runs. Don’t forget your electrolyte drinks as well.
- You didn’t train properly. To get your body accustomed to long-distance running, you must strategically work up to your target distance with proper training. You should incorporate long-distance hit outs in your training schedule, getting to the start line of a marathon without having done 30k, 35k, 38k runs in your training will almost ensure you hit the wall later in the actual race. Training is all about building endurance and resilience.
- You are not in the right headspace to complete your run. When the going gets tough, focus on your end goal, remember your reasons and why’s, and visualise the elation and self-pride you will feel crossing that finish line. Completing the race, particularly when you feel you are hitting the wall, often comes down to sheer will and determination. Long runs in training will help you build this mental toughness, remember, your mind will try to get you to give up long before your body needs to.
How Can Runners Avoid Hitting The Wall?
- Better pre-race fuelling. Instead of relying on that one big bowl of pasta the night before a race, you must begin to carb load three days out from the event. It takes at least two to three days to fully load the muscles and liver with glycogen.
- Learn how to pace yourself properly in a race. Going out too hard at the beginning of a race is a common mistake made by many runners, particularly marathon first-timers. You must do enough endurance training to understand how your body reacts to this kind of stress, and be better able to time yourself.
- Better training. If this is your first marathon, you must put in plenty of long-distance training runs. Thinking you can complete a marathon with minimal training is why you see runners sitting in gutters, collapsing by the road-side and attending the first-aid tents. It takes a lot of structured training to prepare properly for a marathon. Don’t forget to taper off your long-distance training runs a couple of weeks before the race in order for your body to fully recover in time for race-day.
- Fuel-up along the way. Most marathons have Gatorade or Powerade available at the water-stations, take advantage of these to top up your electrolyte intake. Be sure to take along plenty of energy gels for the race, these little packets of concentrated carbohydrates can really help towards the end of the event. I would typically take one every 10k, but some runners use many more. Jelly beans, snakes, and other snacks also add sugar into the energy mix. I particularly like glucose jelly beans and Cliff Bloks, these are easy to carry, easy to consume, and give that energy top-up needed in the second half of a marathon.
What To Do If You Hit The Wall?
- As we have previously stated, hitting the wall results from the body running out of its glycogen stores. If you feel yourself hitting the wall, refuelling as best you can with energy gels, simple sugars, and snacks is a helpful course of action.
- You may need to slow down, or even walk for a bit to recover. A marathon is a long way and occasionally when things don’t go your way, you may have to ease up a little. Try to get through to the end of the race as best you can. A word of warning though, if you start to feel dizzy, see stars, or become disorientated, you must stop and seek medical help.
- Mind games. Many runners will attempt to run through the wall and keep going. Distraction can help, listening to music or podcasts, focusing on the other runners, the crowd, or scenery. Try to take your mind off the wall.
Not everyone hits the wall in a marathon, most runners can get through the 42k without a problem. Many runners know what may happen and when from prior experience, and will prepare for it. If you do hit the wall, but you feel you can safely go on, maybe you can dial back the intensity a bit and keep going. Sometimes, sheer determination and will-power win the day.
However, on some occasions, there’s a point of no return, and sometimes we just need to accept that today is just not going to be our day. There are always lessons to be learned and other races to enter. For your own health and safety, know when it’s time to pull out.
TIP: Test out your gels and snacks in your training runs, never take a new brand or flavour with you on race day. You need to know in advance if a particular type of race day nutrition is unpalatable, or causes stomach upset. I’ve tested gels that were so sickly sweet or tasted so vile, that I simply couldn’t use them.
Wrapping It Up.

Running is, usually, a perfectly dignified way to get fit, keep fit, maintain a healthy exercise lifestyle, and achieve your self-improvement goals. Running will get you outdoors into the sun, get your heart rate up, improve your health, and provide you with that all important mental space and ‘me’ time.
However, as demonstrated by the above examples, things can go wrong, sometimes embarrassingly wrong. Forewarned is forearmed, that’s why I wrote this article for you, laying out the 7 worst things about running.
Now that you know what can go wrong, you can prepare for and hopefully prevent any of these problems, leaving you to simply enjoy your running.
After such a traumatising read, here’s something a little more joyful for you, the 5 Best Benefits Of Running. That will be sure to restore your faith in running as your chosen exercise.
Over to you now, what less than happy running experiences have you had, please let us know in the comments.
As always, I hope you enjoyed this post, even if it did make you cringe a little.
Happy running
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